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Nation word meaning and definition

Beside meaning and definition for word "nation", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Six characters, how to write "nation" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:

Meaning and definition
Synonyms for nation
See also
Related words or terms

Letter statistic
Hand signs, morse code
Tarot cards, numerology
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Meaning and definition for "nation" word

[noun] the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him"
[noun] a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land"
[noun] a federation of tribes (especially native American tribes); "the Shawnee nation"
[noun] United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (1846-1911)
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\Na"tion\, n. [F. nation, L. natio nation, race, orig., a being born, fr. natus, p. p. of nasci, to be born, for gnatus, gnasci, from the same root as E. kin. [root]44. See {Kin} kindred, and cf. {Cognate}, {Natal}, {Native}.] 1. (Ethnol.) A part, or division, of the people of the earth, distinguished from the rest by common descent, language, or institutions; a race; a stock. All nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues. --Rev. vii. 9. 2. The body of inhabitants of a country, united under an independent government of their own. A nation is the unity of a people. --Coleridge. Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. --F. S. Key. 3. Family; lineage. [Obs.] --Chaucer. 4.
(a) One of the divisions of university students in a classification according to nativity, formerly common in Europe.
(b) (Scotch Universities) One of the four divisions (named from the parts of Scotland) in which students were classified according to their nativity. 5. A great number; a great deal; -- by way of emphasis; as, a nation of herbs. --Sterne. {Five nations}. See under {Five}. {Law of nations}. See {International law}, under {International}, and {Law}. Syn: people; race. See {People}.

Synonyms for nation

a people, body politic, Carry Amelia Moore Nation, Carry Nation, commonwealth, country, land, res publica, state

See also: ally | British | British people | Brits | city state | confederacy | confederation | dry | English | English people | estate | estate of the realm | federation | federation of tribes | French | French people | great power | Irish | Irish people | major power | national | people | political unit | power | prohibitionist | Reich | sea power | Spanish | Spanish people | subject | superpower | suzerain | Swiss | Swiss people | the British | the English | the French | the Irish | the Swiss | tribe | world power |

Related terms: archdukedom, chieftaincy, city-state, colony, commonwealth, everywoman, family, gens, kingdom, order, people, phratry, phyle, plant kingdom, principality, principate, province, state, stem, stirps, superpower, world

The fun area, different aproach to word »nation«

Let's analyse "nation" as pure text. This string has Six letters in Two syllables and Three vowels. 50% of vowels is 11.4% more then average English word. Written in backwards: NOITAN. Average typing speed for these characters is 1590 milliseconds. [info]

Morse code: -. .- - .. --- -.


Hearts desire number calculated from vowels: nation: 1 + 9 + 6 = 16, reduced: 7 . and the final result is Seven.
Destiny number calculated from all letters: nation: 5 + 1 + 2 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 28, reduced: 1, and the final result is One.

Tarot cards

Letter Num. Tarot c. Intensity Meaning
A (1) 1 Magician Creative, Inventive, Intuitive
I (1) 9 Hermit Independent, Researcher, Intell,igent
N (2) 14 Temperance Healer, Wise, Survivor, Crafty
O (1) 15 Devil Optimist, Gamesman, Marketer, Hunter
T (1) 20 Judgement Unswerving, Steadfast, Demanding, Forceful

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